4 Servings            

  1 c. dry garbanzo beans (chickpeas), soaked 24 hrs
1 heaping cup chopped onion
¾ cup mushrooms, sliced
2 carrots, chopped
¼ red bell pepper, chopped
3 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
½ - 1 cup green peas (fresh or frozen)
½ cup (packed) currants
1 pound fresh clams, steamed then shelled
Dash of cayenne, to taste
1 cup chopped, toasted cashews
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp cloves
  [Optional: turmeric, coriander,
¼  cup slivered almonds, ¼  cup pitted dates-finely chopped]

1¼ cup dry couscous
1 cup orange juice (optional)


Cook garbanzo beans (chickpeas) until done, about 1½ hours. Then drain, saving the liquid.

When beans are done, sauté in olive oil with lemon juice: onion, mushrooms, carrots, red bell pepper.

Simmer a few minutes in a covered saucepan: drained cooked chickpeas, sautéed vegetables, all remaining ingredients above. Add some broth from the chickpeas to give a stew-like consistency.


While stew simmers, boil 3 cups water. (Up to 1 cup of water can be replaced by orange juice.) Then add 1¼ cup couscous. [Optional: add ¼ cup dried cranberries.] Simmer covered for about 5 minutes, till done.

Serve stew over couscous on a platter.

Inspired by The Enchanted Broccoli Forest and my travels in Tunisia.

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